Gradient Descent for Multi-variable Functions

Suppose we need to find the global minimum for the function $f(\mathbf{\theta})$ where $\mathbf{\theta}$ (theta) is a vector, often used to denote the set of parameters of a model to be optimized (in Linear Regression, the parameters are the coefficients $\mathbf{w}$). The derivative of the function at any point $\theta$ is denoted as $\nabla_{\theta}f(\theta)$ (the inverted triangle is read as nabla). Similar to single-variable functions, the GD algorithm for multi-variable functions also starts with an initial guess $\theta_{0}$, and at the $t$-th iteration, the update rule is:

$\theta_{t+1} = \theta_{t} - \eta \nabla_{\theta} f(\theta_{t})$

Or written more simply: $\theta = \theta - \eta \nabla_{\theta} f(\theta)$.

The rule to remember: always go in the opposite direction of the derivative.

Calculating derivatives of multi-variable functions is a necessary skill. Some simple derivatives can be found here.

Back to Linear Regression

In this section, we return to the Linear Regression problem and try to optimize its loss function using the GD algorithm.

The loss function of Linear Regression is: $\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{w}) = \dfrac{1}{2N}||\mathbf{y - \bar{X}w}||_2^2$

Note: this function is slightly different from the one I mentioned in the Linear Regression article. The denominator includes $N$, the number of data points in the training set. Averaging the error helps avoid cases where the loss function and derivative have very large values, affecting the accuracy of calculations on computers. Mathematically, the solutions to the two problems are the same.

The derivative of the loss function is: $\nabla_{\mathbf{w}}\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{w}) = \dfrac{1}{N}\mathbf{\bar{X}}^T \mathbf{(\bar{X}w - y)} ~~~~~(1)$

Example in Python and Some Programming Notes

Load libraries

# To support both python 2 and python 3
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
import numpy as np 
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Next, we create 1000 data points chosen close to the line $y = 4 + 3x$, display them, and find the solution using the formula:

X = np.random.rand(1000, 1)
y = 4 + 3 * X + .2*np.random.randn(1000, 1) # noise added

# Building Xbar 
one = np.ones((X.shape[0],1))
Xbar = np.concatenate((one, X), axis = 1)

A =, Xbar)
b =, y)
w_lr =, b)
print('Solution found by formula: w = ',w_lr.T)

# Display result
w = w_lr
w_0 = w[0][0]
w_1 = w[1][0]
x0 = np.linspace(0, 1, 2, endpoint=True)
y0 = w_0 + w_1*x0

# Draw the fitting line 
plt.plot(X.T, y.T, 'b.')     # data 
plt.plot(x0, y0, 'y', linewidth = 2)   # the fitting line
plt.axis([0, 1, 0, 10])
Solution found by formula: w =  [[ 4.00305242  2.99862665]]

Next, we write the derivative and loss function:

def grad(w):
    N = Xbar.shape[0]
    return 1/N * - y)

def cost(w):
    N = Xbar.shape[0]
    return .5/N*np.linalg.norm(y -, 2)**2;

Checking the Derivative

Calculating derivatives of multi-variable functions is usually quite complex and prone to errors. If we calculate the derivative incorrectly, the GD algorithm cannot run correctly. In practice, there is a way to check whether the calculated derivative is accurate. This method is based on the definition of the derivative (for single-variable functions): $f’(x) = \lim_{\varepsilon \rightarrow 0}\dfrac{f(x + \varepsilon) - f(x)}{\varepsilon}$

A commonly used method is to take a very small value $\varepsilon$, for example, $10^{-6}$, and use the formula: $f’(x) \approx \dfrac{f(x + \varepsilon) - f(x - \varepsilon)}{2\varepsilon} ~~~~ (2)$

This method is called the numerical gradient.

Question: Why is the two-sided approximation formula above widely used, and why not use the right or left derivative approximation?

There are two explanations for this issue, one geometric and one analytic.

Geometric Explanation

Observe the image below:

In the image, the red vector is the exact derivative of the function at the point with abscissa $x_0$. The blue vector (which appears slightly purple after converting from .pdf to .png) represents the right derivative approximation. The green vector represents the left derivative approximation. The brown vector represents the two-sided derivative approximation. Among these approximations, the two-sided brown vector is closest to the red vector in terms of direction.

The difference between the approximations becomes even more significant if the function is bent more strongly at point x. In that case, the left and right approximations will differ significantly. The two-sided approximation will be more stable.

Analytic Explanation

Let’s revisit a bit of first-year university Calculus I: Taylor Series Expansion.

With a very small $\varepsilon$, we have two approximations:

$f(x + \varepsilon) \approx f(x) + f’(x)\varepsilon + \dfrac{f”(x)}{2} \varepsilon^2 + \dots$

and: $f(x - \varepsilon) \approx f(x) - f’(x)\varepsilon + \dfrac{f”(x)}{2} \varepsilon^2 - \dots$

From this, we have: $\dfrac{f(x + \varepsilon) - f(x)}{\varepsilon} \approx f’(x) + \dfrac{f”(x)}{2}\varepsilon + \dots = f’(x) + O(\varepsilon) ~~ (3)$

$\dfrac{f(x + \varepsilon) - f(x - \varepsilon)}{2\varepsilon} \approx f’(x) + \dfrac{f^{(3)}(x)}{6}\varepsilon^2 + \dots = f’(x) + O(\varepsilon^2) ~~(4)$

From this, if the derivative is approximated using formula $(3)$ (right derivative approximation), the error will be $O(\varepsilon)$. Meanwhile, if the derivative is approximated using formula $(4)$ (two-sided derivative approximation), the error will be $O(\varepsilon^2) \ll O(\varepsilon)$ if $\varepsilon$ is small.

Both explanations above show that the two-sided derivative approximation is a better approximation.

For Multi-variable Functions

For multi-variable functions, formula $(2)$ is applied to each variable while keeping the other variables fixed. This method usually provides quite accurate values. However, this method is not used to calculate derivatives due to its high complexity compared to direct calculation. When comparing this derivative with the exact derivative calculated using the formula, people often reduce the dimensionality of the data and the number of data points to facilitate calculations. Once the calculated derivative is very close to the numerical gradient, we can be confident that the calculated derivative is accurate.

Below is a simple code snippet to check the derivative, which can be applied to any function (of a vector) with the cost and grad calculated above.

def numerical_grad(w, cost):
    eps = 1e-4
    g = np.zeros_like(w)
    for i in range(len(w)):
        w_p = w.copy()
        w_n = w.copy()
        w_p[i] += eps 
        w_n[i] -= eps
        g[i] = (cost(w_p) - cost(w_n))/(2*eps)
    return g 

def check_grad(w, cost, grad):
    w = np.random.rand(w.shape[0], w.shape[1])
    grad1 = grad(w)
    grad2 = numerical_grad(w, cost)
    return True if np.linalg.norm(grad1 - grad2) < 1e-6 else False 

print('Checking gradient...', check_grad(np.random.rand(2, 1), cost, grad))
Checking gradient... True

For other functions, readers only need to rewrite the grad and cost functions above and apply this code snippet to check the derivative. If the function is a function of a matrix, we need to make a slight change in the numerical_grad function, which I hope is not too complicated.

For the Linear Regression problem, the derivative calculation as in $(1)$ above is considered correct because the error between the two calculations is very small (less than $(10^{-6}$. After obtaining the correct derivative, we write the GD function:

def myGD(w_init, grad, eta):
    w = [w_init]
    for it in range(100):
        w_new = w[-1] - eta*grad(w[-1])
        if np.linalg.norm(grad(w_new))/len(w_new) < 1e-3:
    return (w, it) 

w_init = np.array([[2], [1]])
(w1, it1) = myGD(w_init, grad, 1)
print('Solution found by GD: w = ', w1[-1].T, ',\nafter %d iterations.' %(it1+1))
Solution found by GD: w =  [[ 4.01780793  2.97133693]] ,
after 49 iterations.

After 49 iterations, the algorithm converges with a solution quite close to the solution found using the formula.

Below is an animation illustrating the GD algorithm.

In the left image, the red lines are the solutions found after each iteration.

In the right image, I introduce a new term: level sets.

Level Sets

For the graph of a function with two input variables to be drawn in three-dimensional space, it is often difficult to see the approximate coordinates of the solution. In optimization, people often use a drawing method that uses the concept of level sets.

If you pay attention to natural maps, to describe the height of mountain ranges, people use many closed curves surrounding each other as follows:

The smaller red circles represent points at higher altitudes.

In optimization, this method is also used to represent surfaces in two-dimensional space.

Returning to the GD algorithm illustration for the Linear Regression problem above, the right image represents the level sets. That is, at points on the same circle, the loss function has the same value. In this example, I display the function’s value at several circles. The green circles have low values, and the outer red circles have higher values. This is slightly different from natural level sets, where the inner circles usually represent a valley rather than a mountain peak (because we are looking for the smallest value).

I try with a smaller learning rate, and the result is as follows:

The convergence speed has slowed significantly, and even after 99 iterations, GD has not yet reached the best solution. In real-world problems, we need many more iterations than 99 because the number of dimensions and data points is usually very large.

Another Example

To conclude part 1 of Gradient Descent, I present another example.

The function $f(x, y) = (x^2 + y - 7)^2 + (x - y + 1)^2$ has two green local minima at $(2, 3)$ and $(-3, -2)$, which are also two global minima. In this example, depending on the initial point, we obtain different final solutions.